Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Poor confused child

As kids we all been there we made a mistake by taking or doing something on accident. Well for this 5 year how lives in New York named Janeya, she made a common mistake we all did once in our life (or many times), going on the wrong bus; though she took it to another level of going to the wrong school.

Yes, you heard me. 

This little girl went to the wrong school all day and no one notice till her mom called and asked where she was. When her mom heard that like any parent demanded they find her and they did. So basically the person driving the bus was a sub and took the wrong route and picked her up. 

The reason the school didn’t notice was for that school and that classroom were expecting a new 1st grader. So when the teacher asked for her name, the official statement said “asked the girl if she was that student. Janeya  said she was and spent the day answering to the no-show first-grader's name.” (By ASSOCIATED PRESS and ALEXANDRA KLAUSNER). So now the question is left who was at fault the 5 year old or the bus driver.

In my thoughts on this was, it’s super cute and adorable. Even for me at 5 I would know if I was in the wrong school. Though the distract saying she was “misleading” when she was pretending to be the other student. I wouldn’t blame her, kids would admit to things; even if they didn’t do it. Push them enough they say they do it. At least in the end she got to go home and they found her. 

Article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2580940/Upstate-NY-girl-5-spends-day-wrong-school.html

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zE0JR5nRl6g

Monday, May 5, 2014

“I want to save your life”.


Warning super sad post and not my usual (funny, witty, and wonderful) commentary


This made me cry while reading this and made me feel terrible to how I treat my parents for what he did for his mom.

 A seven year old boy named Chen Xiaotian was already a terminal ill with a brain tumor and wouldn’t live to adulthood. What makes this even more heart breaking was his mother was also ill with contracted chronic kidney disease at same time. Near Chen death he lost his eye sight and was nearly paralyzed. The doctor came to the grandmother and said he going to die but his kidney can be used on his mother and other people. The grandma had to think about this.

Chen heard the conversation and said to his grandma and his mother who refuse to this said

“I want to save your life”.







 In the end his mother agrees and said that as long she get a piece of him, she be at peace. He died that on April 2. Though with his death saved his mother with his kidney and two other people.

This got to me because he at such a young age knew what sacrifice and rather save his mother. This is deep and I could see from the mother point of view to try to save her son, than to let him die. Though he’s a hero and they should make a statue or something for him because what he did is an example of what type of person we should be. Also have hope in humanity again.

  For me I could relate to try and be good daughter for my parents, at times I wonder why I even try when they don’t seem to appraise what I do for them. When this happens I forget what my parents did for me like rising me and not aborting me. This makes it worse because here I am being mad, when all they did was try to understand on how I “helped”. To Asian parents they do not and I mean DO NOT KNOW HOW TO SHOW THEIR FEELINGS TO THEIR KIDS.  The last time I got a hug from my dad was last father’s day. This article made me hope that one day I could do something so good they; forget all the terrible things I done.  Like

·         Lying about spilling a whole gallon of water on the table in my parents room

·         Hitting my sister then she cried (Okay to clear this up she started it first by calling me fat, and to keep in mind I was 6 or 7 during this time)

·         Refusing to eat my food, now my parents wish they keep that habit of mine

This list can keep on going but- just however reads my blog post, remember to love and appreciate your parent like Chen did.

On the side note a comment made by Joe Jo “If this came from China, I could forgive the China for all the lead and the factories. Now when people see main land china they think “That boy”.”

Hope that comment made you smile and stop getting the tissues

 Article: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2596160/Tragic-seven-year-old-boy-dying-brain-tumour-tells-seriously-ill-mother-let-die-receive-kidney-save-life.html

Why Nails are awesome c:

I have heard from people, okay mostly boys.

“Why do you girls do your nails, it just polish” 

To those boys who said that. Well, a group of nail techs just helped science find where turtles go after they lay there eggs. Now your asking how this happened. 

NAILPRO Magazine stated how all this went down. To give a short summary science tried everything to put a tracker on turtles but they just won’t stay on. Then “We realized that the turtles’ shells are made of keratin—the same thing as human fingernails” (Katherine Mansfield of University of Central Florida). So with this new information Katherine then got a ‘ “manicurist and she suggested using an acrylic base coat to seal the shell from peeling.” And it worked! The tags stayed on the shells, allowing the team to follow turtles for an impressive 27 to 220 days. Another victory for proper nail care products!’

When I first read this article I though this is so cool and learn a few new things. Like a turtle shell is like a nail, when it looks like a rock. Also another thing boys can be afraid of girls. Knowing that acrylic nails some girls put on and make them sharp to the point where blood could drip if starched. 

Yeah I would be afraid to.

Though back to the point, this prove all the more that nail rock and anyone who disagrees well. Don’t be surprise to see girls with their shaper nails at your door.


Thursday, April 24, 2014

The puppy, brids and bees

Warning for mature audience only maybe we don’t we see after you this and the comments under this post
When I first saw the title was “Oh it’s about an owner and they love for their puppy, or a funny story about them.” Well after reading the column it was a story I could tell you alright. It was interesting to see how badly they reacted when they found out their little cute Shih Tzu was already in the heat. Though like Shelia I was shocked puppies at 6 months already be you know wanting to do the dirty, dirty winky face. I know you looking away; they need to do this if you want to look at anymore cute puppy videos on YouTube.

            This made me laugh and thinking how if my dad read this he says “This is why boys are like dogs, the first girl they see he attacks.” Now understanding more on why my father said that to me than doing the birds and the bees. For all the future parents or the Asian parents or parents about to talk about it with their daughters. Just make her read this article is scared for life that sure keeps your precious daughter away from boys for a long time and maybe puppies too.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


When I first heard about poetry, like many people have said they were nice and sweet, not giving them a second thought. Though I started to get more into after in the 7th grade my English teacher told us to bring in a poem and in front of the class say what our poem message was. While in my mind it was “Oh my god, what am I going to do.” 

So being a smart person I am, well hopefully. Looking through the internet I found this poem called Closer To You. What made me like the poem was it had romance in it and was it was Korean. Me being obsessed with South Korea then and now, hey I see you don’t judge me. Coming back, it made me more interested in it. One of my favorite lines from the poem is


“If you’d leave me,

I‘d be left with those pain and loneliness...
I didn’t think I would be able to handle it
So although I wanted to come closer,
I didn’t dare to come closer”

Reason being that now I’m in a somewhat relationship and this is how I feel right now with him.  The poem made me also realized that feeling of wanting to be with someone is the same in South Korea and in the world.

Here the link to the poem and another one for more poems to read!



Thursday, April 3, 2014

100 Books to Read In A Lifetime

I have already known of this for a while, my Best Sellers teacher showed us and it was interesting. I made a mental note to relook at it to see how many I actually read, though knowing myself I forgot all about it. Then finally after so many months I finally made the effort and look and see how many I did read from the list.

Not to my surprise I knew I’ve wouldn’t read or known at least 90 of the books on the list. I gave myself benefit of the doubt that I would have at least read 10 of the books and to my disappointed. Out of 100 books on the list I read 6 out of 100, now before you all judge me let me explain. On the list there were some books I wanted to read but never had a chance to read yet. So if I read those books and add it to the number of books I already read it probably reach 13 at best, I’m not good at adding in my head without my calculator.

That aside on the list I saw some books I expected that would make it on, likes Fahrenheit 451 and Pride & Prejudice. Though the books I saw on the list like The Fault in Our Stars, The Hunger Games, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 1 and The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson and the Olympians, Book 1). These are considered popular books in this generation while the other book were written a long time ago and are considered classics. I like that Amazon tried to bring a nice mix of the classics and new to try and encourage people to read these.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Deepest Childhood Book: The Velveteen Rabbit

This was a story when at one point in my life I hate to read and only picked this book because of the cute rabbit and pictures in it. Though after reading the book I felt a feeling that my younger self didn’t understand which was now sadness. The book was mainly a boy got a toy rabbit for Christmas and through the story the boy and rabbit were always together. Then one day the boy got sick and the boy’s doctor said that any toys which were with the boy be burned. When the toy rabbit heard this he cried, then a fairy came and granted him with a wish to be real rabbit. After that the rabbit came and saw the boy again, though when the boy saw him he said he looked just like his old toy rabbit which he thought was lost. That’s how the story ends, in turn left me and other children sad and in tears.

There where many lessons and morals in this story. In my own interpreation I though this taught kids on how to handle separation. In the story near the end is where the message was really strong and it applies to all of life tough good bye. Even though the toy rabbit was sad to leave the boy, he was granted to be a real rabbit for this tough good bye. You can say it’s like saying good bye to your lover and even though its tough with all the memoirs you have together. Though with time you heal and find someone or something to make you heal. This is certainly a book I would read to my kids to teach good morals. 

Video of the story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUEYHrnxYyI